Beat Latino with Catalina Maria Johnson

Nuestra música: past, present and future


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This week’s Beat Latino is a musical tribute to our planet, Pacha Mama, Mother Earth! We have songs from Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and more that sing the praises of our beautiful home and some of its beautiful features: sky, water, flowers, land. Celebrate April 22 with us, and while you dance and sing, do remember to take care of our Pacha Mama.

Featured art: “The Song Within” by Jade Leyva-Frouge

Musical Works

Title Artist Album Label Year Length
Pachamamata t’ikanchasun Luzmila Carpio Yuyay Jap’ina Tapes. Squirrel Thing Recordings 2015 03:08
Mi Pachamama María Elena Walsh, Leda Valladares Voces de Argentina (Souis le ciel d’Argentine). Successif 2010 02:47
Pachamama Kméléon Tango de Paname. La Métisse 2009 04:28
Pachamama Hamsa Lila Gathering one. 2003 05:27
Tierra feat. Héctor Guerra Bang data Mucho Poco. Futuro Sonico-Rockolito Music 2014 03:12
La flor Rulo y la contrabanda Especies en extinción. Especies en extinción 2012 06:03
Agüita Aterciopelados Río. Nacional Records 2011 03:45
Llueve Rossana Taddei Pescando en el cielo. ACEITUNA BRAVA 2015 02:46
Sal y brisa Pacifika Amor Planeta. Six Degrees Records 2014 04:39
Pámpanos del Río Pumcayó Pumcayó. Pumcayó 2014 02:59
Lulacruza – Cucarachero de Niceforo Rhythm and Roots A guide to the birdsong of South America. Rhythm and Roots 2015 04:54
Warmikuna yupaychasqapuni kasunchik (tremor remix) Luzmila Carpio Luzmila Carpio meets ZZK. ZZK Records 2015 03:30
Pintar el sol ( Chancha via circuito remix) Miriam García, Alicia Solans Río Arriba. ZZK Records 2012 03:32
Semilla Universo Colectivo La Maraka Semilla Univeso. 2015 04:20
Energía natural (feat DDD y Runin Suy) El Remolón Selva. ZZK Records 2014 07:17

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