Beat Latino with Catalina Maria Johnson

Nuestra música: past, present and future


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It’s a special Beat Latino to celebrate FAMILY, familia. From the global families of citizens of the world to the family nucleus of parents and child, we hold our family dear in our hearts and in our culture. Here’s songs from Brazil to Mexico to Colombia to the USA and Spain celebrating familia and the special love that unites us. Enjoy!



Musical Works

Title Artist Album Label Year Length
The World es mi familia Anthony Gonzalez & Antonio Sol Coco. Walt Disney Records 2017 :51
La familia Family atlantica Family atlantica. Soundway Records 2013 04:03
Familia ft. Cehache respira Uji Alborada. 2018 04:16
Somos familia Zacarias Ferreira El amor. Zacarias Ferreira 2017 04:20
Te amo familia Carlinhos Brown Sarau du brown. Candyall Music 2015 03:56
Familia Funambulista Familia. Darlalata Music 2013 04:32
Pichincha, familia y amor Wagogo Familia y amor. Wagogo 2005 07:39
Familia, fe y patria Kinto Sol Familia, fe y patria. Virus Enterprises Llc 2012 04:17
Familia Danyél Waro Monmon. buda musique 172 04:39
Somos una familia Ramon Bolaño Somos una familia. 2017 04:59
Canción para mi hijo Luis Vargas The Legend. Planet Records Europe 2012 03:42
Hija Mia Ladino Alive! Stefani Valadez. Nevertoolate Productions 2002 03:15
Amor de madre Los montañenses del Álamo Valses y rancheras. Discos Amor 2008 02:04
Ice el Hielo La santa cecilia Ice el Hielo. Universal Latino 2013 03:51





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