Beat Latino with Catalina Maria Johnson

Nuestra música: past, present and future


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The selection this week is new releases that happened over the summer that somehow we missed! Let’s say good-bye to summertime with the releases that added warmth and glow to sunny days, heated up the dance floor, and be ready for cooler weather and more cool music. From flamenco to cumbia to Andean electronica, we’ve got a vibe for you! It’s all part of the amazing and infinitely creative Latine-x-@ Musical Universe. Enjoy! Featured photo: Ceci Juno 

Musical Works

Como De CostumbreCeci JunoTemporal.Ceci Juno202203:24
Consume y muereHijos del TruenoSatelites de la Pasion.El Volcán Música202203:11
Los AndesLoli Molina, Chancha Vía CircuitoAl Sur.Loli Molina202202:35
Por EsomariagrepPor Eso (single).Raso Estudio202202:50
TransaAsi AsiMal de Otros.Así Así202203:08
Pele de EsferaSessaEstrela Acesa.Mexican Summer LLC202202:48
T1m3 (Time)RedykalT1m3 (single).Redykal202204:46
Sol AdentroVera PedroSol Adentro (single).Vera Pedro, Distribuido por Virgin Music México202203:03
Cumbia PerdidaAdri Stuven, RuloCumbia Perdida (single).Adriana Stuven & David Eidelstein202203:59
SantaRay Pérez y El Grupo CasabeSanta (Single).El Palmas Music202203:52
La Noche de Mi AmorLos Macorinos, Eugenia LeonLa Noche de Mi Amor (single).RAI Ensamble, S.A. de C.V.202203:34
CloserLa Tribu Royale, PapayoLa Tribu Royale.Baked Records202203:33
DesafinadoKali UchisMinions: The Rise of Gru Soundtrack.Universal Music Operations Limited202202:10
Rocket Man (From Amsterdam Soundtrack)La Marisoul, Meme del RealRocket Man (From Amsterdam Sountrack) (Single).UMG Recordings, Inc.202204:54
Del Canto GitanoIgnacio Lusardi MonteverdeDel Canto Gitano: Music of Ancient Andalusia.ARC202103:11

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