Beat Latino with Catalina Maria Johnson

Nuestra música: past, present and future


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Womex 2021 in Porto, Portugal was a beautiful bringing together of the global music family, and this week’s Beat Latino shares some of the highlights! And an interview with Cabo Verde’s Miroca Paris, as we experienced his beautiful music in criollo. We also share sounds and grooves from Brazil, Angola, Portugal, Cabo Verde and beyond! Take an amazing musical paseo to magical lands on the other side of the Atlantic, to check out our shared heritage that shows up in melodies and rhythms on both sides of the Ocean. Enjoy!

Musical Works

BruxosPongoA COLORS SHOW.Universal Music202102:30
Nganga NjilaMateus AleluiaOlorum.Selo Sesc202004:24
IzildaNeuzaBadia Di Fogo.Neuza201805:28
MondadeirasSopa de PedraMondadeiras.Sopa de Pedra201801:34
Baile des CatitasAyomAyom.flowfish.records202004:11
Nôs TabankaBandé-GamboaHorizonte – Revamping Rare Gems from Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau.Pura Vida Sounds202005:08
No meu jardimLùcia de CarvalhoKuzola.LDC Prod201602:41
MIROCA PARISMIROCA PARISBeatlatino.Beatlatino202122:06
FelicidadMiroca ParisD’Alma.Miroca Paris201703:36

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