Beat Latino with Catalina Maria Johnson

Nuestra música: past, present and future


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It’s that time of the year again! This is one favorite topic of songs year after year, decade after decade, century after century: Romance and Kisses. This week’s Beat Latino selection for Valentine’s Day includes recent songs and a few classics dedicated to besos. Pucker up! And enjoy!

Musical Works

Antes que el mundo se acabeResidenteAntes que el mundo se acabe.Sony Music Entertainment202007:41
Robarte un besoCarlos Vives, Sebastián YatraMantra.Sony Music Entertainment201703:18
CalorcitoCHOIBÁQue comience el bunde.Bombo Records202004:25
Un beso de esosZenet & RozalénZenetianos.El Volcán Música202104:03
Un beso en la AlamedaRenee GoustRESISTER.Renee Goust202103:12
Tus besosCartas a FeliceTus besos.Cartas a Felice201504:50
El BesoArde BogotáLA NOCHE.Sony Music Entertainment202103:12
KissFolz B.Kiss.Folcore Records202206:26
BesosMacha KiddoLesbihonest.Kin Kon Label202103:27
Agüita e CocoKany GarcíaAgüita e Coco.Sony Music Entertainment202203:00
Besito de amigosGera DemaraBesito de amigos.Casa Nacional202002:08
Bésame muchoThe Beatles Anthology 1.Apple Corps199502:37
Besos de MezcalFlor de ToloacheIndestructible.Flor de Toloache LC201903:08
Comerte a besosPatrick shannonComerte a besos.410 Grand202103:12

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